Tuesday 9 October 2012

900 People sign petition in 5 days

I am please to announce that within 5 days of our petition going live on the Welsh Assembly website we now have over 900 people signed up in opposition of the proposal for change outlined by the NHS South Wales Health Boards.

Despite a huge amount of spin and a public relations campaign, the public are not fools and thankfully are refusing to be treated as such.

Please visit our petition at:

I am also please to say since its launched on 1st October 2012 our Facebook page has received 1600 likes and is generated huge amounts of interest and awareness to the cause.

Today has been a day of cooperation between the 3 main opposition parties whose local Regional Assembly Members have all come out in support of our campaign, my thanks to Peter Black, Welsh Liberal Democrats, Suzy Davies & Byron Davies, Welsh Conservative and Bethan Jenkins, Plaid Cymru. All of whom recognise this policy is unacceptable and is playing with people's health and well being.

#bridgend #saveprincessofwales

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