Friday 19 July 2013

Thank you

Dear All,

Today was the final day of the consultation phase, I would personally like to thank each and everyone of you for your support in highlighting the importance of retaining full acute services in Bridgend.

It is my firm belief that the evidence submitted by Prof Longley is both selective and flawed, the Welsh Assembly Government have a responsibility to protect their people, in removing essential services from the most populated areas of South Wales it is nothing less than a complete disregard for public health and safety.

The NHS Board have been explicit in blaming recruitment problems as one of the key drivers of this reorganisation of services, if this is truly the case they, the health boards, should be made to prove they have done everything within their power to continuously recruit looking to the European community to fulfil vacancies and shortfalls, freedom of information requests obtained during this process revealed that this is simply not the case and adequate and continuous recruitment schemes have simply not taken place.

I started off this campaign by saying it is morally irresponsible to pit community against community for essential life saving services, and whilst we have campaigned for the retention of services in Bridgend it is my firm belief that services should not be removed from the Rhondda or Merthyr either, like us, these are massive growing communities with poor transportation links and legacy of chronic respiratory disease. Removal of these services is both irresponsible and incomprehensible. 

I am utterly disgusted by comments made by Leighton
Andrews arguing for the removal of services from Bridgend and am very proud that none of our politicians have stooped so low as to argue for the removal of services from any neighbouring community - the whole process is entirely flawed and for an experience politician to take the not in my backyard approach is absolutely absurd.

We can only hope that we have done enough to prove the need for the retention of our services in Bridgend, and I hope sincerely that the process is looked at and our neighbours our spared this ridiculous fate as well.

Kindest regards

Ian Spiller
Save Our Services -
Stop The Downgrade

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